New York Investment Network

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"As soon as I put in my proposal, I got offers from four different investors within 48 hours! The funding process took less than 2 weeks. I now have the funds to partner with a digital marketing agency and scale my e-commerce business! 10/10 will certainly recommend this site to other entrepreneurs."
Asela M - Mystic Phoenix Fortress LLC

Local Investors

United States > Washington

Working on behalf of my contacts to bring them deals that fit their investment Criteria. I have build a network that I would like to bring potential break though investments to the table.

$10,000,000 to $800,000,000

United States > New York

Secured Lending Hedge Fund that looks for the following in transactions: Preservation of capital and downside protection is the overriding theme - Collateral’s value is not correlated to successful and timely repayment of the loan. - Collateral’s value is not based on the successful execution of a business plan. - We look at non-conventional assets such as mining and energy assets, receivables, purchase orders, securities and more. - Deal size between $5-40mm. - Maximum note duration 36 months - We look for yield on the note of mid-high teens’, sometimes we ask for an additional equity kicker - We fund domestic transactions within 4-5 weeks - Our funds are in house so no need to raise the money from outsiders - We typically keep the loans until repayment so the borrower will be dealing with the same managers throughout the entire process - We typically fund entire deals and prefer not to syndicate - We do not want to be involved in the day to day operations of the business

$1,000,000 to $30,000,000

United States > New York

Fund invests from seed to IPO round in diverse industry segments and regions, previous investments, wall street investment banking background; quick turnaround decision and due diligence

$10,000,000 to $200,000,000

United States > Texas

I have been a real estate agent since 1996. Dedicated individual who has extensive experience in the Real estate I am looking for investors to purchase Banks REO Residential and commercial's portfolio in the US. I am seeking to develop a business relationship with investors.

$1,000,000 to $10,000,000

United States > California

I am involved in real Estate investments. I have been in the technology field for many years and in the Real Estate area for the last 10 years.

$50,000 to $1,000,000

United States > Texas

Sales and marketing background. Private investor.

$1,000,000 to $15,000,000

United States > Colorado

I invest personally in some ventures and I may refer (at no cost o the entrepreneur) them to company in California with greater resources. My background is in accounting (so your projections should demonstrate your solid understanding of the economics of your business and how it will succeed), the financial industry (banking and mortgage) and consulting. I have started a company from the ground up (been through the PPM process a few times) and been a part of a team that has grown a company rapidly and sustained that growth over years. I've been on both sides of mergers and acquisitions. I've experienced what it takes to succeed and managed through some difficult situations. I'm looking for companies with a strong core team, proven track record or can provide proof of concept (orders, contracts, LOI's, prototypes, etc) and have a innovative product/solution/approach that has tremendous upside potential. You need to be beyond the "idea" stage.

$500,000 to $5,000,000

United States > New York

Currently involved in acquiring REO properties for short sales in New York. These acquired homes will be sold @ 20-50% discounted prices. My background is in Media Production as well as Marketing and Public Relations. I am currently a private investor in the process of creating a solid team of investors.

$5,000 to $10,000