New York Investment Network

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"As soon as I put in my proposal, I got offers from four different investors within 48 hours! The funding process took less than 2 weeks. I now have the funds to partner with a digital marketing agency and scale my e-commerce business! 10/10 will certainly recommend this site to other entrepreneurs."
Asela M - Mystic Phoenix Fortress LLC

Local Investors

United States > Florida

20 plus yrs Construction Management Property Development. Group of private investors.

$1,000 to $1,000,000

United States > New York

Looking for good solid businesses to invest in. Equity preferred will also consider debt. For over 10 years I have used my resources to increase sales, profits and cash flow for businesses.

$25,000 to $2,000,000

United States > Georgia

In short words, I live in Atlanta, GA. I'm a business man. I'm also an individual investor.

$50,000 to $500,000

United States > Illinois

Objective is agressive growth, been a small business owner for over 15 years, Private investor

$5,000 to $100,000

United States > New York

My investment objectives are to invest in environmental or green technology companies with brand management that focuses on sustainable development initiatives. My involvement level would be the SEO brand advisor creating and maintaining a web-presence that grows the business, increases market share, strengthens financial performance and improves business to business & customer relationships.

$360,000 to $1,300,000

United States > New York

Married couple with high buisness interest seeking to get involved in fun buisness with people we enjoy working. Looking for a long term vision to build wealth.

$5,000 to $50,000

United States > New York

I can bring deals to a serious REIT. This REIT has over 5 billion dollars in buying power. The REIT trust wants to be a 50% Equity Partner on New York Real Estate deals, that or 25 Million dollars and up. No limit. They want to spend their first billion in New York. This is great for developers who need financing, seed money, hotels, and major condominium deals. The Investors want to come in with the cash, and wants the deal to run itself. They want to be silent or hands off partners. The REIT can show Proof of Funds, and verify whatever is needed. We look for deals or projects to be presented to the fund. We need a basic description of a potential deal. Then we set up meetings with the REIT. This is serious money backed by US TREASURY BILLS. This is a platform that will use Wall St. I have over 3 years of experience in bringing investors and projects together

$25,000,000 to $500,000,000

United States > New York

Private investor experienced in finance, marketing, sales, and branding. began multiple companies with a focus on environmental sustainability.

$5,000 to $500,000