New York Investment Network

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"I have been an investor for 2 years. Through this site I have managed to finance 4 projects. I am very pleased with my membership. "
Dave M.

Local Investors

United States > Colorado

I am a consultant for developers that have $50MiL and up. We look for beachfront or down town projects. We also look for investors that have strong developer skills. We also would like our developers to have funds to invest in their project.

$20,000,000 to $95,000,000

United States > Nebraska

Looking for developments 100-1000 lots going into to foreclosure.

$1,000,000 to $20,000,000

Canada > Sudbury

I am a business broker and I represent more than 100 venture capitalists, commercial lending companies, and persons with private capital. Investment minimum is $100,000, but investment over $1m is preferred. Investments over $10m are made by multiple partners.

$100,000 to $10,000,000

United States > New York

Private investor experienced in finance, marketing, sales, and branding. began multiple companies with a focus on environmental sustainability.

$5,000 to $500,000

United States > North Carolina

Looking to invest in exciting and innovative Tech StartUps. Completed MS. in Mechanical Engineering Private Investor

$0 to $300,000

United States > Pennsylvania

I have some knowledge of investing and am looking to find more opportunities.

$100 to $5,000

United States > Hawaii

Our Group Buys and Sells Commodity Products for all energy products Worldwide. D-2, Jet Fuel, Bio Diesel, Muzut, Gold, Diamonds,Saudi Grade Crude and more are just a few of the many products we can Buy or Sell Our Group also has access to Hedge Funds and Insurance Funds that will Finance large world wide transactions. We would love to speak to you if you have access to End Sources (Mandates) on the Buy or Sell for End Products Worldwide We love to also talk to you about funding any large products worldwide. We have a Green Fund that would love to discuss all Energy Projects that need funding Worldwide. Thanks for your business

$1,000,000 to $1,000,000,000

United States > New York

I am highly interested in investing. I currently invest in the stock market .i am looking to deepen my understanding about investment in general and definitely generate some profits.

$50,000 to $200,000