New York Investment Network

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"As soon as I put in my proposal, I got offers from four different investors within 48 hours! The funding process took less than 2 weeks. I now have the funds to partner with a digital marketing agency and scale my e-commerce business! 10/10 will certainly recommend this site to other entrepreneurs."
Asela M - Mystic Phoenix Fortress LLC

Local Investors

United States > Utah

As an entrepreneur who started a business using credit cards it is my objective to financially assist during the economic downturn to produce a solid growth before or during the upswing. I started a security company two years ago from nothing and sold it last month for $345,000 with no debt to payoff in the company or personally. I am a personal investor who values high revenues and low costs. If I look for companies with strong leadership and high revenues poised to produce 10 fold.

$1,000 to $30,000

United States > New York

Partner at large international law firm. 20 years of experience as a tax, funds, real estate and private equity lawyer. Investment banker in SF during dot com boom. Accounting background. Extensive work in real estate and real estate finance.

$10,000 to $1,000,000

United States > New York

I spent 3 years as a private equity lawyer and 5 years as an investment banker. I have an entrepreneurial spirit and represent a small group (2 people) of investors including myself looking for investment opportunities. I would be an active member of the company while my partner would be a silent partner. Together we have capital resources, a large network of professional contacts across many industries and achieved great success in our particular fields. We look forward to meeting energized people who are willing to work hard to create a great company.

$50,000 to $2,000,000

United States > Florida

I am a private investor whose main goal in the investment world is to help all new and seasoned entrepreneurs reach their goals without the stress of lack of funding. With our funding, you will find the best terms available to you. We have been funding businesses for over 5 years and we're good at it. Let us fund your business and you'll see what we mean!

$10 to $100,000

United States > New York

I am a Physician. I live in Buffalo NY. I have done some small business lending and investing from my self directed IRA. Unfortunately, as has been the case for many investors, I have been taken advantage of by scammers in the past. it happens. The result is, and please do not take personally, regardless of how sound, innovative, outstanding and potentially profitable your business idea may be, and regardless of the amount requested, I am going to have to do extreme due diligence and create iron clad contracts. Thank you for your understanding

$5,000 to $50,000

United States > New York

We are a private investment firm seeking a product-driven Company. Our firm encompasses both finance professionals and corporate management personnel with experience working with both start-up and mid tier companies. Our focus is on first and second round financing opportunities with companies that are currently conducting business. If you fit these criteria, please contact us through the network.

$500,000 to $1,000,000

United States > Washington

Property Investor and engineer looking for investment opps for others.

$1 to $100

United Kingdom > New York

The author of an investment column which became a forum for publicizing personal stock investment methodology. Began his career as a chartered accountant and then moved into corporate managerial positions from 1975 to 1985 with three different U.K. manufacturing firms. what really matters to us is what would like us to do for you and what we enjoy doing is figuring out how best we can assist you in a way that makes your like so much easier. our aim is to offer you something you've never had before. In our experience you generally want any matters relating to money and investing made simple, low cost and easy to understand. You also want someone on the end of the phone to explain things when you're not sure. You want to be able to speak to someone when you need to. If this is beginning to sound like the sort of helpful service you could benefit from then great.

$50,000 to $10,000,000