New York Investment Network

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"I made several great connections through your network. In fact, I was able to over fund my project. I also listed with another network that cost 3X as much and the leads were nowhere near as solid as the investors I met through this network. I will definitely only be using this network in the future. "
Jason A.

Local Investors

United States > Connecticut

I'm relatively new to angel investing, but I've made 5 investments over the past 24 months. Those investments have ranged from $25k- $250k, and have included internet businesses, software, organic foods, and telco/mobile software. For my day job, I am a Vice President of Business Development for Software at IBM. I lead the M&A for our data/information related products and led the acquisition of Netezza, Initiate, and Guardium in the last 2 year. Prior to that, I ran IBM's semiconductor business in Asia (living in Japan). Prior to that, I was a Partner in IBM Global Business Services. My role at IBM is unrelated to my angel investing (ie I will not angel invest in deals that are in the enterprise software space). That being said, I have a decent bit of large scale investing experience based on my role at IBM. I am a private investor.

$10,000 to $200,000

United States > Arizona

1) Capital Secure-Bank Platform This excellent direct Bank Platform allows a client with $10 million dollars cash (minimum) to generate additional capital in a "principal secure" Bank Platform. After approval and screening, the "Client" is introduced to, deals direct with, meets with and signs Agreements directly with the Bank. 2) Bank Instrument Funding Excellent financing offer for clients that are the Owners/beneficiaries of Stand by Letters of Credit or other cash backed bank instruments. 3) Loan Guarantee-Bank Collateral Structure If a borrower has a lender interested in funding but requires additional collateral, this structure can provide Bank Collateral from a Top (25) World Bank. Also, my associate has direct access to a platform that takes leased instruments and cash. They also have a small platform, $25,000- $100,000 investment and it is backed by a bond for safekeeping through Bank of America.

$10,000,000 to $1,000,000,000

United States > New York

Attorney in the New York Area that has an interest in angel investing and has done so in a number of companies.

$1,000 to $250,000

United States > New Jersey

My ability is to secure your loan legally and expeditiously. My anticipated involvement would be to get you your loan and to stay out of your way. We are a network of private lenders.

$100,000 to $5,000,000

United States > New York

first time investor looking to be involved in multiple businessess 15 years accomplished chef, nyc exprience private investor

$50,000 to $100,000

United States > New York

A NY attorney with 20 years of legal experience specializing in M&A, private equity and finance. Able to bring other private investors.

$10,000 to $200,000

United States > Florida

We are a group of private investors from Latin America & US, looking to invest and help companies in: High-Tech, Clean-Tech, Medical, Cannabis

$500,000 to $5,000,000

Turkey > Izmir

Having investments in Turkey as a family company, investing into automotive, energy, construction, estate, real estate sectors. Looking for investments abroad..

$1,000,000 to $99,000,000