New York Investment Network

Entrepreneur Registration

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  2. I understand that the New York Investment Network can in no way be held responsible for what takes place once contact with an investor has been established.

  3. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to do due diligence on any of the investors I deal with.

 I have read and agree to the terms of the disclaimers above.

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Local Investors

United States > South Carolina

I am in direct contact with a number of investors in an investment club and we will look at all projects and ventures.We can Fund any and all projects no matter how much of an investment that is needed to be placed.We will need to see what a summary of your needs and we will consider your project after our review.We also have Guaranteed loans available.

$100,000 to $10,000,000

United States > California

Private investor or Group investor

$5,000,000 to $15,000,000

United States > New York

Entrepreneurial spirit, adventure, performance driven management, success and profit are important to me. I have started a consultancy (public and non profit management) in 2000, invested with success in an IT consultancy start up (helped as advisor) and made both enterprises profitable. I was appointed in a top position in government and had to stop my involvement in private companies. I have started a company in New York in January 2012 to start a consultancy and to invest in and help with start ups. Especially start ups in consultancy and IT/Apps have my interest. I am sure I can contribute to success, especially for younger less experienced entrepreneurs.

$10,000 to $50,000

United States > Texas

MBA Real Estate Analysis. 22 Years experience in start up businesses. Worked for and with Fortune 500 companies.

$50,000 to $100,000

United States > New Jersey

I invest in 3 projects per year...always looking for great founders to work with...

$50,000 to $3,000,000

United States > New Hampshire

25 yrs in Information technology experience as a Vice president in fortune 200 largest financial institutions. An investor in few startups related to education, IT and Medical devices. Looking to pick up investments in the range of 25000- 300000 in all business areas mentioned above. Not interested in interest only paying businesses. Can involve at all levels hands-on, advisory, silent etc. Individual Investor.

$1 to $250,000

United States > Pennsylvania

I represent an angel investor who is interested in expanding his investment portfolio. To date, he has funded projects throughout the United States in biotechnology, manufacturing, software development, IT, energy, health and pharmaceuticals, real estate, nd the gaming industry. He requires a solid 3-5 year exit strategy with a healthy return. His contacts in almost every industry are extensive. The process is simple: once you have my email: 1. contact me through email stating your interest and your project; 2. send me a business plan which should include financials, exit strategy and a bio

$100,000 to $5,000,000

United States > Colorado

Built several profitable businesses from the ground up. Currently have a profitable real estate development and construction business.

$25,000 to $250,000