New York Investment Network

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"This is the best money I've spent so far trying to attract qualified investors. I've attended several VC and Angel Investor events over the past year to attract investors and this site has attracted the most relevant and qualified investors so far. Thanks! ~ James Fitzgerald - ChainStar USA"
James Fitzgerald - ChainStar USA

Local Investors

United States > Texas

Self made businessman. Allot of experience in real estate and online businesses. From California and living in Texas currently .Currently working on a renewable energy project that is showing allot of potential.

$25,000 to $200,000

United States > New York

Owned and operated numerous successful restaurants in NYC.Looking for entrepreneurs who seek additional finance or transfer of ownership. Bi- costal and open to national/international opportunities.

$1,000,000 to $2,000,000

United States > New York

I am a individual investor. I live with my wife and my daughter in the New York city area. I am willing to invest in concept ideas and want to involve hands-on or in the advisory board. Thanks and looking forward to working with you.

$1,000 to $5,000

United States > New Hampshire

25 yrs in Information technology experience as a Vice president in fortune 200 largest financial institutions. An investor in few startups related to education, IT and Medical devices. Looking to pick up investments in the range of 25000- 300000 in all business areas mentioned above. Not interested in interest only paying businesses. Can involve at all levels hands-on, advisory, silent etc. Individual Investor.

$1 to $250,000

United States > New York

Entrepreneur, author, investor. Have started several well respected marketing agencies. They have been sold to NYSE and other public companies. In addition I have served on the board and invested in several other companies in the United States and Europe. I invest alone and as part of a group of semi-retired marketing and management consultants.

$25,000 to $750,000

United States > Maryland

Cameroonian born entreprenuer and landlord, masters project managment, managing director at age 22, marketing expart, own three businesses in US, heir of huge estate for agro / timber of about 100 miles in cameroon and solid attachment with government heads. Own a home and married with three in the USA.

$100,000 to $1,500,000

United States > New Jersey

25 years of experience in international investment banking area globally (Americas, Asia, Europe and South America) with the second largest Japanese Investment Bank. Many mega deals with governments, supranationals and top international corporates. Extensive knowledge of financing and funding networks.

$10,000,000 to $5,000,000,000

United States > New York

Fund invests from seed to IPO round in diverse industry segments and regions, previous investments, wall street investment banking background; quick turnaround decision and due diligence

$10,000,000 to $200,000,000