New York Investment Network

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"I'm very impressed with the level of professionalism of this network. I registered my request over three months now, and the response has been overwhelming; beyond my expectations. Although I have not closed any deals as yet, I'm still very hopeful. Keep up the good work!"
Verona Mustagal

Local Investors

United States > New York

Hello, I am a private investor who is a doctor and my wife works for a hedge fund. We are looking for good investment opportunities and look forward to working with you. Thanks

$10,000 to $500,000

United States > New Jersey

I have been an investment advisor, venture capitalist, investor, CFO and merchant banker for over 15 years. I have worked in serveral different industries for businesses at different stages.I look forward to working with to solve your financial issues.

$0 to $550,000

United States > California

Former investment banker. Real estate developer/investor. Investments include seed stage green products, restaurant, retail operation and real estate partnerships.

$50,000 to $1,000,000

United States > Texas

I am 31-years-old and interested in getting into the investment arena. I have been a gov't intelligence analyst for the past 9 years, but have recently quit my job, so I could move back home to spend some time with my father before he passes away. Needless to say, my life style has changed from what I am used to and am looking for a way to supplement my new lower income.

$20,000 to $40,000

United States > North Carolina

I’m an independent investor. I like to see business flourish and yield returns. I know funds are very rare these days and due to the present economic situation of the world now, it requires few people privileged to have the funds required to make successful business and ventures. This project will require me to come down to you to finalize. I am well pleased to have met someone like you and hopefully we will have a long lasting business relationship with you .I can tell you that I’m quite fortunate to have inherited some fortune spread across some financial institutions across the US and Offshore. I had always thought of establishing a successful businesses and ventures but due to my disability, I thought of an idea of making entrepreneurs and business owners achieve their goal and become successful. Being part of their success would have made up for my inability to completely create a business system for myself.

$50,000,000 to $90,000,000

United States > New York

Business background; interested in helping to improve profit margins and efficiency or just act as a silent partner...

$5 to $10,000

United States > New York

New York lawyer in late 20s specializing in litigation. Looking to invest in a Manhattan nightclub or bar opening or remodeling by summer 2011. Ideally, the venue will be small-scale (300 capacity or less) and have an original or emerging concept. Willing to invest up to $100k in exchange for a percentage of ownership in venue.

$10,000 to $100,000

United States > Massachusetts

PhD in Business Administration with global experience in senior corporate positions. Looking for investments that can deliver 50% in 3 years. Real Estate investments >$2,000,000 Start-ups >$500,000 Grow >$500,000

$50,000 to $1,000,000